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Israeli Palestinian Peace – two states for two peoples and other critical choices for Israel

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Gershon Baskin

Dr. Gershon Baskin is the founder and currently Co-Chairman of IPCRI – Israel Palestine Creative Regional Initiatives, which he directed for 24 years until 2012. He was the initiative and negotiator of the secret back channel negotiations with Hamas for the release of Gilad Schalit.
Gershon serves on the board of directors of six Israeli-Palestinian joint organizations.
He holds a Ph.D. in International relations from Greenwich University.


The elections in Israel on March 17 are likely to determine if the next Government of Israel will advance the two states solution or if some other option will be on the table. Either way Israel goes, these are perhaps the most critical times and crucial decisions any Israeli Prime Minister will have to make. This talk will look at the issues and the chances of peace and the consequences for Israel if no peace is reached.

Language: English